Historically, there have been three major approaches to psychotherapy. They are psychodynamic, cognitive behavioral, and affective. Each has its advantages and disadvantages. Integrative psychotherapy is the way forward. It combines all three to give a well-rounded approach that addresses all areas of concern.
Attachment Centred Therapy is an integrative psychotherapy that relies on the Dynamic Maturational Model of attachment, which is psychodynamic. Psychodynamic means that the information from the past is used in the present in order to make predictions about the future. This then guides our behaviour in the here and now.
REBT is based on the proposition that it is not what is happening on the outside that determines how we respond, but what we believe about what is happening on the inside. By using a systematic approach, we can minimize or eliminate our ‘irrational’ feelings and behaviours and maximize rational feelings and behaviours by giving ourselves new beliefs that help to deal with the situation, are based on facts and reality, and are logical.
NLP is about understanding how the mind works by creating programs that predispose our responses to events. These programs are about how we process information, and by changing programs that get in the way of our healthy functioning for programs that help us to respond better.
Time Line Therapy is a technique that utilizes the unconscious mind’s ability to rapidly reprogram itself based on new learnings. Many of our responses are based on unresolved negative feelings from the past. The key to getting rid of them is a new learning that gives us a healthy new way of responding to life’s challenges. It also can eliminate phobias, PTSD, and it can help you to create a better future for yourself and others.
Ericksonian Hypnotherapy uses language and trance in order to reprogram the unconscious mind. We are constantly being influenced by the world around us. Ericksonian Hypnotherapy is a way of being aware of these influences and using our unconscious mind’s abilities to the fullest.
I recommend to all my clients that they practice breathwork and meditation. Really, the terms are redundant in that the overlap between the two is great. Both have been proven to bring many benefits to practitioners. Both are easy to do, contrary to popular misconceptions.
Freud said that dreams are ‘the royal road to the unconscious mind.’ Indeed, they are. It is, however, a two-way street. Dreams can be used to not only understand the messages coming from the unconscious mind, but also as a way to reprogram the unconscious mind.
This is a new version of Maslow’s Hierarchy. I have added two new levels that Maslow wrote about and so I think he would approve of the modified version. One takes into account sex and nurturing as separate from the physical survival needs, and the other takes into account self-transcendence about which Maslow wrote extensively and forms the foundation for Transpersonal Psychotherapy. Here is the modified model:
Relationship Actualization is using Maslow’s Modified Hierarchy as a model for forming a lasting and satisfying relationship. It turns the model upside down to illustrate the phases that a couple need to successfully negotiate to form a relationship that can grow into the future. Here it is:
For this I use the ‘sound marital house’ approach of Dr John Gottman from his book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, and the ‘relationship bank account’ concept of Notarius and Markman in their book We Can Work it Out. I typically begin with the Gottman Inventory and create a profile for the relationship that helps us to focus on the most important issues first so that we can make good progress right away.
Attachment Narrative Therapy (ANT) created by Dr Rudi Dallos and Dr Arlene Vetere and elaborated in their book, Systemic Therapy and Attachment Narratives describes the approach that I take. In this approach, the family is seen as a system, and the individuals in that family system fit in the best way that they can. This is consistent with the Adlerian approach to child-rearing, and also with indigenous approaches to childrearing as described in Hunt, Gather, Parent, by Michaelene Doucleff.
This model uses Active Listening and the ‘I feel … when … because …’ model as a way to take responsibility for the meaning that we assign to information that is accumulated. This means that the couple uses complaints as a valid way of addressing needs without getting into criticizing one’s partner or other attachment figures. This also ties in with the ABCs of REBT making the two methods fit together perfectly.
Last, but by no means least, is grief work. Most clients in therapy have unresolved grief, often without knowing it. This includes trauma, and especially the attachment trauma that comes from not having one’s attachment needs properly attended. Other forms of grief include known losses of various kinds.
This approach, of integrative therapy, applies to most therapeutic problems. It provides a means of assessing and meeting your needs and the needs of others. It allows flexibility to choose the methods that work best for you instead of the ‘one size fits all’ approach.
Best of all, Attachment Centred Therapy works by reprogramming how your unconscious mind processes information. We focus on what to do in order to get your needs met, rather than on what not to do. Many clients find themselves making positive changes in areas of life that we haven’t even discussed. I provide these in Manchester in person, or Anywhere via Skype, telephone, or other electronic media as you prefer.
If you want to know how I use this method with addictive disorders, then please visit my other website, just click here to visit Charley Shults Counselling & Psychotherapy.
Over decades of working with clients, and training in many areas of specialisation, I am convinced that the problems that most people present in therapy settings grow out of difficulties in their attachment relationships. These attachment experiences determine how we relate to other people in our lives, particularly those most close to us, and also how we deal with the difficulties that life presents us. I believe that by correcting these difficulties people are enabled to make the changes that they want to make.
I also use an attachment based approach for working with families. Family work can be done with an entire family, or with different configurations of people from the family.
Sessions can be held at my practice in Manchester (within easy reach of Cheshire) or online.
I believe that most addictive disorders are due to attachment difficulties that result in unmet needs and feelings not being dealt with in an effective manner. The addictive disordered behavior develops because it is a vain attempt to meet unmet needs. While the addictive behavior provides the illusion of making things better by making the negative feelings that come from unmet needs go away, this is only temporary and so those unmet needs come back stronger than before, often leading to an escalation of the addictive behavior.
Please contact me if you have any questions about how counselling and therapy works, or if you would like to book a session. This enables us to discuss the reasons you are thinking of coming to therapy and whether it could be helpful for you. You can also call me on 07507562864 if you would prefer to leave a message or speak to me first.
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