Attachment Centred Therapy


Insecure attachment and authoritarianism: A toxic combination

Insecure attachment styles have been found to have a significant impact on individuals’ behaviour and can contribute to various societal problems, such as the rise of authoritarian leaders and ideologies that promote power and control over others. According to Bob Altemeyer and John Dean in their book “Authoritarian Nightmare: Trump and His Followers,” these problems can be attributed to individuals with right-wing authoritarian personalities, social dominators, and double highs.

Right-wing authoritarians, as defined by Altemeyer and Dean, are individuals who are highly submissive to authority, rigid in their thinking, and intolerant of those who deviate from traditional values. They tend to have a fear of the unknown and the unfamiliar, which can make them vulnerable to manipulation by leaders who exploit these fears. Social dominators, on the other hand, are individuals who seek power and control over others, often by exploiting their insecurities and fears. This is achieved through tactics such as manipulation, coercion, and aggression.

Double highs, as described by Altemeyer and Dean, are individuals who possess both right-wing authoritarian and social dominator traits. They tend to be highly aggressive, dominant, and manipulative, which can make them particularly dangerous in positions of power.

Attachment Centred Therapy, using Patricia Crittenden’s Dynamic Maturational Model of Attachment and Adaptation, can be an effective approach to addressing the impact of insecure attachment styles on behaviour and relationships. It aims to help individuals identify maladaptive coping strategies and promote more effective strategies for managing stress and regulating emotions. By addressing the root causes of attachment insecurity, individuals can work towards developing more secure attachment styles and healthier relationships.

Charley Shults, creator of Attachment Centred Therapy, theorizes that those using the A+ (avoidant) strategies are more likely to exhibit traits associated with right-wing authoritarianism, that those using the C+ (coercive) strategies are more likely to exhibit traits associated with social domination, and that those using an A/C (sociopathic) strategy are more likely to exhibit traits associated with double highs. They tend to have a more negative view of others, be less trusting, and have difficulty regulating their emotions. This can make them vulnerable to manipulation by those who seek to exploit their fears and insecurities.

Incorporating Attachment Centred Therapy into mental health treatment and social policies can also have a positive impact on society as a whole. By promoting secure attachment styles and effective coping strategies, we can reduce the impact of insecure attachment styles on the rise of authoritarian leaders and ideologies, and work towards a more positive and inclusive world.

In conclusion, the impact of attachment styles on human behaviour cannot be underestimated. Insecure attachment styles can lead to various societal problems, including the rise of authoritarian leaders and ideologies that promote power and control over others. However, through Attachment Centred Therapy based on the DMM model, individuals can work towards developing more secure attachment styles and healthier relationships. By addressing the root causes of attachment insecurity, we can reduce the impact of insecure attachment styles on society and promote a more resilient and compassionate world.

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